Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a query about EPPO please check below to see whether the answer to your question can be found. If not, contact us.
Please note that questions regarding phytosanitary certificate issues, import/export requirements and diagnosis of diseased plant samples should be addressed to National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs). You can find here a list of NPPO contact points of EPPO member countries.
For questions concerning the EPPO Diagnostic Protocols (EPPO Standards PM 7), please contact diagnostic@eppo.int
- Where can I find information about job opportunities at EPPO?
All job offers are published on the EPPO homepage. If there are none at the moment, this simply means that the EPPO Secretariat is currently not recruiting.
- Where can I find information about internships at EPPO?
Sorry, but for the moment the EPPO Secretariat has no internships to propose to students and trainees.
- How to subscribe to the EPPO Reporting Service and other mailing lists?
It is easy and free. Please consult our webpage on EPPO mailing lists and newsletters.
- How can I join EPPO?
EPPO is an Intergovernmental Organization which means that only Governments can join EPPO. Details about EPPO membership can be found in the EPPO Convention.
Experts participating in EPPO’s work are officially nominated by the NPPO of their respective countries. However, please note that most of EPPO’s output (Standards, documents and other information services) is freely accessible from this website and EPPO databases.
- Can EPPO provide statistics?
No, EPPO does not collect data on agricultural production or on plant protection uses, as this type of activity is not part of its mission.
- Is EPPO related to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (the EPPO)?
No, we only share the same acronym. The European Public Prosecutor's Office is an independent Union body competent to fight crimes against the financial interest of the European Union – www.eppo.europa.eu