Pests recently added to the EPPO A1/A2 Lists or of urgent phytosanitary concern 

- Last updated in 2024-09 -



In order to help its member countries, the EPPO Secretariat has listed below the pests which have recently been added to the EPPO A1/A2 Lists (during the last 5 years, i.e. since 2019) or which are currently presenting a particular risk for the EPPO region. The aim is also to encourage countries or areas at risk to consider taking phytosanitary measures. Recommended phytosanitary measures can be found in PRA reports (see EPPO Platform on PRAs)  .

In the tables below, click on the links to access pest-specific information stored in EPPO Global Database (geographical distributions, host plants, pictures, data sheets, PRAs, diagnostic protocols and other EPPO Standards).


Bacteria and phytoplasmas Date Main host plants Parts of the EPPO region at risk
'Candidatus Liberibacter africanus', L. asiaticus, L. americanus and their vectors (Citrus huanglongbing or greening)
- Diaphorina citri
- Trioza erytreae

A1 in 1984

A1 in 1975
A1 in 1975

Citrus Southern part of the EPPO region (citrus-growing areas)
Xanthomonas citri pv. fuscans (following changes in the taxonomy of bacteria associated with bacterial wilt of bean) A2 in 2021 Phaseolus vulgaris Whole EPPO region
Xylella fastidiosa A1 in 1981 - A2 in 2017 Citrus, Vitis, Prunus, Olea europaea, Nerium oleander and many forest/amenity trees Whole EPPO region


Fungi Date Main host plants Parts of the EPPO region at risk
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Tropical race 4 A2 in 2024 Musa spp. Banana-growing areas
Stagonosporopsis crystalliniformis (taxonomic revision of  Phoma andigena) A1 in 2020 Solanum tuberosum Whole EPPO region


Insects Date Main host plants Parts of the EPPO region at risk
Agrilus bilineatus A2 in 2019 Castanea and Quercus Whole EPPO region
Agrilus fleischeri A2 in 2019 Populus and Salix Whole EPPO region
Agrilus mali A2 in 2024 Malus spp. Most of the EPPO region (wherever M. domestica and M. sieversii are present)
Chionaspis pinifoliae A1 in 2022 Conifers Most of  the EPPO region (except the northernmost part)
Chloridea virescens A1 in 2024 Polyphagous (field crops, fruit and vegetable crops, ornamentals) Mediterranean region, Black Sea, Caucasus Southwestern Russia, Central Asia (outdoors), greenhouses
Chrysobothris femorata A1 in 2021 Polyphagous (fruit, forest, shade trees) Southern part of the EPPO region
Chrysobothris mali A1 in 2021

Polyphagous (fruit, forest, shade trees)

Southern part of the EPPO region
Crisicoccus pini A1 in 2023 Pinus Large part of the EPPO region
Dendroctonus valens A1 in 2022 Pinus Whole EPPO region
Gymnandrosoma aurantianum A1 in 2020 Polyphagous (fruit crops) Southern part of the EPPO region
Naupactus xanthographus A1 in 2020 Polyphagous (fruit crops) Mediterranean region
Orgyia leucostigma A1 in 2021 Polyphagous (mainly deciduous trees) Eastern and Northern part of the EPPO region
Spodoptera ornithogalli A1 in 2023 Polyphagous Large parts of the EPPO region
Spodoptera praefica A1 in 2023 Polyphagous Large parts of the EPPO region
Tetranychus mexicanus A1 in 2023 Polyphagous Southern part of the EPPO region (outdoors), greenhouses
Toumeyella parvicornis A2 in 2024 Pinus Large part of the EPPO region


Viruses Date Main host plants Parts of the EPPO region at risk
Grapevine red blotch virus A1 in 2022 Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Grapevine-growing areas
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus A2 in 2020 Capsicum, Solanum lycopersicum Whole EPPO region
Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus A2 in 2022 Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae and Malvaceae Whole EPPO region


Nematodes Date Main host plants Parts of the EPPO region at risk
Meloidogyne ethiopica A1 in 2023 Polyphagous Mediterranean part (outdoors), greenhouses
Meloidogyne graminicola A2 in 2023 Oryza sativa (rice) and other Poaceae Rice-growing areas
Meloidogyne luci A2 in 2023 Polyphagous Mediterranean part (outdoors), greenhouses


Invasive plants Date Habitats Parts of the EPPO region at risk
Ageratina adenophora A2 in 2023 Riparian systems, pastures, and forests Coastal areas (Mediterranean Sea, South Atlantic, Macaronesia, Eastern Black Sea)
Amaranthus palmeri A2 in 2020 Agricultural land Mediterranean, middle east and central Asian areas
Amaranthus tuberculatus A2 in 2020 Agricultural land North and East of the Mediterranean Basin, Pannonian Basin and countries bordering the Black Sea and central Asia
Ambrosia trifida A2 in 2019 Field crops, riparian systems, ruderal disturbed areas Warmer continental, Pannonian and steppic parts of the EPPO region
Celastrus orbiculatus A2 in 2021

Disturbed or managed habitats (e.g. harvested forests), transportation networks (e.g. verge of railway tracks, roadsides and habitats under powerlines) and natural habitats (e.g. forests and woodlands and adjacent grassland and heathland).

Forest habitats in central, eastern and northern Europe (excluding the far north), and a smaller suitable region in Georgia and southern Russia.

Hakea decurrens subsp. physocarpa A2 in 2024 Woodland, grasslands, heath land and scrub Mediterranean, Atlantic, Black Sea and Macaronesia regions
Solanum carolinense A2 in 2022 Ruderal habitats, roadsides, riverbanks, urban and agricultural habitats Mediterranean, Black Sea, Pannonian areas and southern parts of the Atlantic and continental, areas
Zizania latifolia A2 in 2024 Fresh water and wetland Pannonian, Continental, Black Sea, Anatolian, Steppic, Mediterranean, Boreal and Atlantic biogeographical regions