EPPO mailing lists and newsletters
The EPPO Secretariat maintains the following mailing lists and newsletters to which any interested person can subscribe (free of charge):
- EPPO Standards: you will receive messages when new or revised EPPO Standards are published (up to 3 times a year).
- EPPO Reporting Service: you will receive every month in your mailbox the EPPO Reporting Service which contains news in plant quarantine (English version - PDF file).
- Service d’Information OEPP: vous recevrez tous les mois dans votre boite de courrier électronique le Service d’Information OEPP (version française – fichier PDF) qui contient des actualités sur la quarantaine végétale.
- EPPO Codes Monthly Newsletter: you will receive every month in your mailbox a summary of the main changes that have been made to the EPPO Codes (creation and deactivation of codes).
- Newsletter of the EPPO Platform on PRAs: you will receive every month a list of all the pest risks analysis and relevant documents that have been published on the EPPO Platform on PRAs in the previous month.
- Newsletter of the EPPO Network of experts working on surveillance, monitoring, and control of the Emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis : you will receive in your mailbox every two months information about monitoring, distribution, trapping and management of A. planipennis (PDF file).
- EPPO Database on Resistance Cases mailing list: you will receive in your mailbox updates and news about the database, including alerts when new cases are available (once a year).
How to subscribe to the EPPO Standards, Reporting Service and EPPO Codes mailing lists?
EPPO Standards
EPPO Reporting Service
Service d’Information OEPP
EPPO Codes Monthly Newsletter
Subscription to the EPPO mailing lists (EPPO Standards, EPPO Reporting Service and EPPO Codes) should be done via the EPPO Global Database (GD)
- Go to the EPPO Global Database
- Register as a new user of GD (free and simple procedure) and login
Login if you already are a registered user of GD - In your dashboard, select the newsletter(s) you are interested in by ticking the appropriate box(es)
To unsbscribe, go to your dashboard and untick the appropriate box(es).
If needed, more detailed instructions can be downloaded here
How to subscribe to the Newsletter of the EPPO Platform on PRAs?
To subscribe (free of charge) to the Newsletter of the EPPO Platform PRAs, go to https://pra.eppo.int/newsletter and enter your email address.
You may unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided in the newsletter itself or by clicking on the link provided above.
How to subscribe to the Newsletter of the EPPO Network on Agrilus planipennis?
To subscribe (free of charge) to the Newsletter of the EPPO Network of experts working on surveillance, monitoring, and control of the Emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis, you simply have to join the Network. For more information about the Network's activities and participation, visit this webpage.
How to subscribe to the EPPO Database on Resistance Cases mailing list?
To subscribe (free of charge) to the EPPO Database on Resistance Cases mailing list, go to https://resistance.eppo.int/mailinglist/subscribe and enter your email address.
If you encounter difficulties in subscribing to the EPPO mailing lists and newsletters, contact the EPPO Secretariat