List of databases on registered plant protection products in the EPPO region
This list of databases on registered plant protection products in the EPPO region is maintained by the EPPO Secretariat. For missing or broken links, please contact us
Austria | AGES database (Verzeichnis der in Österreich zugelassenen Pflanzenschutzmittel - English version available) |
Belarus | List of registered products (Main State Inspectorate for Seed Production, Quarantine and Plant Protection - in Russian) |
Belgium | Fytoweb in English – Fytoweb in Flemish – Fytoweb in French (authorizations of plant protection products) |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian Agency for Food Safety (in English and Bulgarian) |
Croatia | Database on registered plant protection products (2025) - Ministry of Agriculture |
Cyprus | List of authorized plant protection products (Ministry of Agriculture – Department of Agriculture) |
Czech Republic | List of registered products (UKZUZ - Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture, in Czech, click on the United Kingdom flag for the search criteria in English, and than choose ‘Vyhledávání v registru’ in the left side menu) |
Denmark | Pesticide Database (BMD) (Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark) |
Egypt | Pesticide Database (Agricultural Pesticide Committee – APC) |
Estonia | Register of plant protection products (Agricultural Board, Ministry of Agriculture) |
European Union | EU Pesticides database (actives substances and pesticide MRLs) |
Finland | Plant Protection Product Register - database (Kemidigi) |
France |
e-PHY database (ANSES) + e-PHY files Open Data
AGRITOX (maintained by ANSES - physical and chemical properties, toxicology and ecotoxicology of active substances registered in France)
UIPP (French Crop Protection Association - datasheets on safety aspects of commercial products)
Georgia | List of pesticides registered in Georgia (Ministry of Agriculture, LEPL National Food Agency) |
Germany | List of approved plant protection products – Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (in German) |
Greece | List of authorized plant protection products (Ministry of Rural Development and Food) |
Hungary | Online database on registered plant protection products (Nébih, in Hungarian) Lists of plant protection products authorized in Hungary (Excel files since 2006, Nébih) |
IOBC | IOBC Pesticide Side Effect Database (The database on the side effects of plant protection products on beneficial arthropods has been prepared jointly by the IOBC-WPRS Working Group on "Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms" and the Commission "Guidelines for Integrated Production" to assist organizations and growers in the choice of pesticides. The database is restricted to IOBC-WPRS members). |
Ireland | Product database (Department of Agriculture and Food - Government of Ireland) |
Israel | Pesticides data bank - List of PPPs registered for use and sale in Israel (2015) (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, PPIS) |
Italy |
Banca Dati Prodotti Fitosanitari (Ministero dell’agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste) Banca Dati dei prodotti fitosanitari (Ministero della Salute) |
Latvia | List of registered products (State Plant Protection Service, two Word documents, click on 'Latvijas Republikā reģistrētie ķīmiskie augu aizsardzības līdzekļi') |
Lithuania | Information on plant protection products (Ministry of Agriculture - in Lithuanian) |
Luxemburg | ASTA - Produits phytopharmaceutiques (list of registered plant protection products) |
Moldova | List of registered products (Ministry of Agriculture - in Romanian) |
Malta | List of Authorised Plant Protection Products (Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority) |
Morocco | List of registered products (Index Phytosanitaire - Office National de Securité Sanitaire des Produits Alimentaires) |
Netherlands | Pesticides database (CTGB - Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides) |
Norway | Database on registered plant protection products (Mattilsynet – in Norwegian) |
Poland | List of registered plant protection products (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) |
Portugal |
SIFITO. Sistema de Gestão das Autorizações de Produtos Fitofarmacêuticos. |
Romania | Registered products in Romania (Lista produselor de protectie a plantelor omologate - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) |
Russia | Registered Pesticides and Agrochemicals (Ministry of Agriculture - in Russian) |
Serbia | List of registered plant protection products (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management - Department for plant protection and nutrition) |
Slovakia | Online Database on Plant Protection Products (UKSUP - Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture, Bratislava) |
Slovenia | List of authorized plant protection products (Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment) |
Spain | Registro de Productos Fitosanitarios (Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion) |
Sweden | Pesticide Register (KEMI, Swedish Chemicals Agency, in Swedish) |
Switzerland | Index des produits phytosanitaires (Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office) |
Tunisie | Liste des pesticides homologués en Tunisie (Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources Hydrauliques et de la Pêche - in French) |
Turkey | Database of registered products (Ministry of Agriculture - in Turkish) |
Ukraine | Ukrainian Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (in Ukrainian) List of pesticides registered in Ukraine - 2014 (AgroScience) |
United Kingdom | Health and Safety Executive databases (HSE) Liaison (a guide to pesticide - subscription is required) |