Special projects
In addition to its regular programme of activities, EPPO participates in various projects that are conducted over a fixed period of time and that may be funded by the Organization itself, a number of its members, or other organizations (e.g. EU).
On-going projects
- EU project on Regulated Non-Quarantine Pests part 2 (2023-2025): second part of an EU funded project (see below) which aims at assessing the potential RNQP status of the pests listed in the EU Fruit Marketing Directives.
- Network of experts working on surveillance, monitoring, and control of Agrilus planipennis (emerald ash borer): the objective of this network is to exchange data on monitoring and to get a better understanding of the current distribution and spread of A. planipennis in the EPPO region. This project is also part of an EU grant agreement.
- BeXyl – Xylella from emergency to management (2022-2026): EPPO is a partner in this EU-funded project.
Completed projects
- Quarantine Pests for Europe (1992-1997): EU funded project which allowed the preparation and publication of more than 300 datasheets on regulated pests in collaboration with CABI. All datasheets were published in the two editions of the CABI/EPPO book ‘Quarantine Pests for Europe’ in 1992 and 1997.
- EPPO project on quarantine pests for forestry (2000-2005): this project provided an analysis of potential risks presented by forest pests present in the former USSR (particularly in its Asian part) for the EPPO region.
- PRATIQUE (2008-2011): was an EU funded 7th Framework research project designed to address the major challenges for pest risk analysis (PRA) in Europe.
- TESTA (2012-2015): was a project financed by the 7th Framework Program of the European Union on Seed health: development of seed treatment methods, evidence for seed transmission and assessment of seed health.
- Q-detect (2010-2013): was a multi-disciplinary research network focused on developing innovative tools that enhance the capacity of phytosanitary inspectors to protect European agriculture and forestry sectors from invasive pests.
- Q-collect (2013-2015): was a project financed by the 7th Framework Program of the European Union. Its aim was to improve the status of reference collections important to plant health. Workshops were organized in 2014 and 2015.
- EU project DROPSA (2014-2018): EU funded project during which alert lists of pests likely to be introduced in the EU with table grapes, apples, oranges and mandarins, and Vaccinium berries were prepared.
- EU project on RNQPs part I (2016-2018): EU funded project which aimed at developing a screening methodology and proposing a first list of Regulated Non-Quarantine Pests for the EU.
- LIFE-IAP (2016-2018): EU funded project which allowed the prioritization of invasive alien plants and the conduct of risk assessments on 16 selected species. This project also aimed at facilitating knowledge transfer and capacity building in pest risk analysis within the EU.
- Emphasis (2016-2019): EU funded project whose overall goal was to provide integrated response measures to predict, prevent and protect European agriculture, foresty and natural ecosystems against native and alien pests.
- EPPO Codes (2017-2018): the aim of this EU grant agreement was to enhance the EPPO Code System so that it better meets the new EU and global needs.
- EPPO Codes (2019- 2021): EU grant agreement for the enhancement of the EPPO Code System.
- XF-ACTORS (2016-2020): EU-funded project about the European research on Xylella fastidiosa.
- Valitest (2018-2021): EU-funded project on validation data in plant health diagnostics.
- Beastie the Bug (2020-2021): communication campaign initiated by the EPPO Secretariat for the International Year of Plant Health 2020 based on a mascot symbolising an invasive pest. This mascot was distributed across the EPPO region and participants were invited to share pictures and stories about plant health on a dedicated website and social media.
- Information project (2020-2024): within the framework of an EU grant agreement, EPPO revised and produced new datasheets for 319 regulated pests. All new and revised datasheets are published in a dynamic format in the EPPO Global Database.