EPPO governing and technical bodies


EPPO Council

The EPPO Council is the general assembly of the Organization where all member countries are invited to participate. EPPO Council meets once a year in September and decides about the policies and programme of activity of the Organization, and its budget. All EPPO Standards are submitted to the formal approval of Council before being published in the EPPO Bulletin which is the official journal of the Organization. The EPPO Council is headed by a Chairman and Vice-Chairman, elected for a period of three years. Every second year, an EPPO Council Colloquium is also organized after the adminitrative session, so that Heads of NPPOs can share their views on topical issues.


Chairman of EPPO

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 

Environment and Water Management
Wien, Austria

Mr Sultan-Makhmud SULTANOV
Vice-Chairman of EPPO

International relations Department
Agency of Plant Protection and Quarantine of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan



EPPO Council Colloquium (Antalya, TR, 2017-09-28)




EPPO Executive Committee

The Executive Committee prepares the work for Council (both financial and technical aspects) and ensures that the activity of the Organization conforms with the decisions of Council. It meets twice a year (in April and September). It is composed of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and of delegates from 7 governments elected on a rotational basis.


Current composition of the Executive Committee (as agreed in September 2023)
Chairman (Mr Michael Kurzweil)
Vice-Chairman (Mr Sultan-Makhmud Sultanov)
United Kingdom


EPPO Executive Committee  (Antalya, TR, 2017-09-25)



EPPO Working Parties and Panels

The technical activities of EPPO are directed by two Working Parties: on Phytosanitary Regulations (broadly plant quarantine) and on Plant Protection Products. Each Working Party meets once a year (in June and May respectively). Meetings are held in member countries throughout the EPPO region. The Working Parties draw up their programmes subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and Council. They assign specific tasks to Panels of experts. These Panels are composed of specialists from member countries, nominated as individuals by their respective NPPOs, and they prepare detailed draft standards which will be recommended (after formal approval by Council) to all member countries. Every year, 20-25 Panel meetings are held in Paris or in scientific centres throughout the region. Panels generally meet once a year, but according to the priorities and work programme of the Organization, more meetings may be required or certain Panels may meet at longer intervals. The technical work of the Organization depends on the active and continued participation of experts from member countries in the Working Party and Panel meetings.

Read more details about membership of EPPO Panels 



Panels directed by the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations
Click on the links to view Panels’ composition and terms of references

Panels directed by the Working Party on Plant Protection Products


Panel on phytosanitary measures

Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs

Panel on quarantine pests for forestry

Expert Working Group - Core members for reviewing PRAs

Panel on phytosanitary inspections 

Joint EPPO/IOBC Panel on biological control agents

Panel on phytosanitary measures for potato

Panel on Invasive Alien Plants

Panel on plant protection information

Panel on diagnostics and quality assurance

Panel on diagnostics in nematology

Panel on diagnostics in bacteriology

Panel on diagnostics in entomology 

Panel on diagnostics in virology and phytoplasmology
Panel on diagnostics in mycology


Panel on PRA development (dormant)

Panel on certification of fruit crops (dormant)

Panel on certification of pathogen-tested ornamentals (dormant)

Panel on certification of seed potatoes (dormant)

Ad hoc Panel on phytosanitary risks of composted organic waste (dormant)

Panel for the efficacy evaluation of fungicides and insecticides

Panel for the efficacy evaluation of herbicides and plant growth regulators

Panel on general standards on efficacy evaluation

Expert Working Group on resistance to plant protection products

Expert Working Group on harmonization of data on plant protection products

Expert Working Group for the extrapolation database


Panel on rodent control (dormant)

Panel on environmental risk assessment of plant protection products (dormant)

Panel on good plant protection practice (dormant)