EPPO Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation


Composition (last updated September 2024)

 BALD-BLUME Niklas (Mr)  Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) - Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Braunschweig (DE)
 BRUNNER Flavia (Ms)  AGES – Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Wien (AT)
 COPUL Sergül (Ms)  Cotton Research Institute, Aydin (TR)
 DEN HOED Ingrid (Ms)  Chemicals Regulation Directorate, York (GB)
 FIDANZA Maria Rosaria (Ms)  Ministry of agriculture, food sovereignty and forestry, Rome (IT)
 GAUTIER Bénédicte (Ms)  ANSES, Maisons Alfort (FR)
 GEORGIEVA Dilyana (Ms)  Risk Assessment Center on Food Chain, Sofia (BG)
 GUTIERREZ Elena (Ms)  National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA), Madrid (ES)
 GWYNN Roma (Mr)  Biorationale Limited , Galashiels (UK)

HALL Beth (Ms)

ECPA (Syngenta )

 HAZE Yael (Ms)  Pesticide Registration Division, Plant Protection Inspection Service, Bet-Dagan (IL)
 IVIĆ Dario (Mr)  CCAFRA – Institute for Plant Protection, Zagreb (HR)

JILESEN Claudia (Ms)

National Plant Protection Organization, Wageningen (NL)

KUDSK Per (Mr)

Aarhus Universitet, Flakkebjerg, Slagelse (DK)

MATTHYS Cedrick (Mr)

Federal Public Service of Public Health, Food chain Safety and Environment, Brussels (BE)

 McGILLOWAY David (Mr)  Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (IE)
 MEDVEĎ Martin (Mr)  Central Control and Testing Institute of Agriculture (CCTIA), Bratislava (SK)
 NIKOLOPOULOU Theodora (Ms)  Benaki Phytopathological Institute , Athens, Greece (GR)



Terms of Reference (as agreed by the Executive Committee in 2018)


Since the EPPO programme on efficacy evaluation began, six General Standards had been prepared by the EPPO Panels on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides. At the Working Party on Plant Protection Products held in 2001 it was decided that an ad hoc meeting on General Standards should make proposals as to which General Standards on efficacy evaluation should be revised and which new General Standards should be produced and since 2002 meetings of the Panel on General Standards were held annually.



The Panel considers all general aspects of data requirements for efficacy evaluation of plant protection products and promotes harmonization to facilitate communication and regulatory data exchange on plant protection products between authorities in different countries and between industry (applicants) and regulators. General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation in the EPPO series PP1 are prepared in order to complement the set of specific standards (for field trials on crop/pest combinations) that have been produced by the specific Panels on Efficacy Evaluation over many years.



  • prepare, review and revise when necessary General Standards for addressing data requirements and conducting trials to evaluate the efficacy of plant protection products (within series PP 1);
  • advise the Working Party on Plant Protection Products in regard to harmonization of data requirements for efficacy evaluation;
  • advise the Working Party on Plant Protection Products and the other Panels operating under that Working Party in regard to general policy on maintenance and revision of Standards to meet the needs of regulators and industry in the plant protection products sector;
  • carry out specific additional tasks requested by the Working Party on Plant Protection Products or the EPPO Secretariat;
  • Consult as necessary with experts from the Panel on Fungicides and Insecticides and the Panel on Herbicides and PGR
  • report to the Working Party on Plant Protection Products on its activities.


Way of Working

The EPPO Secretariat provides or nominates the Chair and Secretary.


Experts for the Panel are nominated by member countries and by the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) and appointed by the Executive Committee. ECPA (via their EPPO contact point) may nominate one expert. Panel members should be selected on the basis of their expertise and should serve in an individual capacity.


The Panel normally meets annually. In between annual meetings it may meet virtually by teleconference or other means, and may hold e-mail consultations to facilitate rapid decision making.


Reports of meetings are circulated within four weeks in draft and participants are given two weeks in which to comment. After that the report is finalized.


Proposal for revision of PP 1 General Standards may come from any Panel members, WP participants or any other user of these Standards.