EPPO Platform on Communication Material
- A platform to share communication material -
The EPPO Platform on Communication Material was launched at the end of August 2022 and is addressed to all NPPOs of EPPO member countries. Its objective is to share material (e.g. posters, videos, flyers, pictures) that has been prepared during communication campaigns on plant health and provide inspiration for future campaigns. The EPPO Secretariat would like to encourage NPPOs of all its member countries to participate in this platform, as communication is playing a key role in plant health.
The scope of this platform is limited to phytosanitary issues (e.g. communication campaigns about regulated pests, early warning on emerging pests, outbreak management, awareness raising of the general public about the importance of plant health, citizen science projects on plant pests). For the moment, it is not intended to include communication campaigns specifically related to plant protection products.
Who can participate?
Access to the platform is free but material can only be uploaded by NPPOs. NPPOs can also allow their national agencies to do so. Upon request, the EPPO Secretariat will provide contributors with the necessary passwords. It is quick and easy to submit material (files of many different types are accepted), but in order to help contributors a user’s guide is available at all times in the platform itself.
Who moderates the platform?
In order to ensure consistency within the platform, the EPPO Secretariat moderates it, All submitted material first have to be validated by the EPPO Secretariat before being made public.
How to find communication material?
Communication campaigns are presented in separate galleries and search tools are available to query the platform. The platform can be searched by using the following criteria: keywords (e.g. poster, video, goodies), pest names, country, languages and year (year when the campaign was initiated). Several criteria can be used in combination to restrict the query results.