EPPO Panel on Plant Protection Information


Composition (last updated September 2024)


Ministry of Agriculture, Amman (JO)


Plant Health and integrated farming Dept, Agricultural Services Management, Tragsatec, Madrid (ES)

BEALES Paul (Mr)

Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, FERA Science Ltd, York (GB)

 CARSON-TAYLOR Lucy (Ms)  Animal and Plant Health Agency, Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate, Sand Hutton, York (GB)
 CHARLES Lucinda (Ms)  CABI, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, England

CIAMPITTI Mariangela (Ms)

ERSAF, Servizio Fitosanitario, Milano (IT)

 GENEVRIEZ Camille (Ms)  Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, Paris (FR)
 HACIALIOGLU Yasemin (Ms)  General Directorate of Food and Control, Ankara (TR)

KAMINSKI Katrin (Ms)

Julius Kühn-Institut, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Institute for National and International Plant Health, Braunschweig (DE)

 LEVEQUE Nicolas (Mr)  European Commission - DG SANTE, Brussels (EU)

MARKELLOU Aimilia (Ms)

Benaki Phytopathological Institute, Athens (GR)

 MEERMAN Hans (Mr)  National Plant Protection Organization, Utrecht (NL)

TOPITSCHNIG Christina (Ms)

AGES, Federal Office for Food Safety, Official Plant Protection Service of Austria, Vienna (AT)

UDRE Dace (Ms)

State Plant Protection Service of Latvia, Riga (LV)

 WIDMER Miriam (Ms)  Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, Bern (CH)



Terms of Reference (as agreed by the Executive Committee in September 2017)


An ad hoc Panel on Plant Quarantine Information was established in 1990. First Terms of References were adopted in 1990. The Panel was made dormant between 2005 and 2010 when it was reactivated as the ad hoc Panel for Plant Protection Information with revised terms of reference. In 2018, it was called Panel for Plant Protection Information.



The Panel considers all aspects of EPPO’s communication with its target groups through publications and the EPPO Website. They cover both the area of Phytosanitary Regulations and Plant Protection Products.



  • Review the information needs of EPPO’s target groups in the following areas: Plant Quarantine, Plant Protection Products and Invasive Alien Plants;
  • Review the information EPPO provides;
  • Identify gaps in the information that EPPO provides to its target groups and proposes recommendations where appropriate;
  • Identify key topics for articles in the EPPO Bulletin and advise authors;
  • Provide advice on the way EPPO presents the information (e.g. user friendliness, attractiveness);
  • Provide advice on which categories of information are no longer considered as a high priority;
  • Provide advice on how to maintain EPPO’s databases over time;
  • Encourage experts to prepare relevant contributions to EPPO’s publications;
  • Exchange information about communication campaigns and publications of NPPOs to make the general public aware of the relevance of NPPO activities; Make this information available to Members on request.
  • Carrying out specific additional tasks requested by the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations or the EPPO Secretariat;
  • Reporting to the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations on its activities.


Way of Working

Experts for the Panel are nominated by member countries (or other approved bodies) and appointed by the Executive Committee.



The composition of the Panel should reflect the range of EPPO’s areas of work. It requires at least one expert in each of the following areas:

  • Plant Quarantine
    - Diagnostics
    - Inspection
    - Risk management
  • Invasive Alien Plants
  • Plant Protection Products (NPPOs, industry)
    - Users of the EPPO codes
  • Panel members are selected on the basis of their expertise and serve in an individual capacity.
  • The Panel normally meets every 18 months. In between these regular meetings it may meet by teleconference, and may hold e-mail consultations to facilitate rapid decision making.
  • Reports of meetings are circulated ideally within four weeks in draft and participants are given two weeks in which to comment. After that the report is finalized.
  • The Panel submits its draft Standards, advice and recommendations to the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations for further consideration, and consults the Working Party in relation to significant issues in diagnostics and quality assurance.
  • The EPPO Secretariat provides the Chair and Secretary for meetings.


Place in the EPPO framework

The Panel will be established under the responsibility of the WP PR but the WP PPP will be provided opportunities to comment on its work. The Panel report will be submitted to both Working Parties.