New EPPO Assistant Director



The EPPO Secretariat is pleased to announce that EPPO has recruited a new Assistant Director, Ms Valérie Grimault. She was selected among 28 candidates from many different countries in the EPPO region who applied for this position. She will take over the post of Assistant Director when Françoise Petter leaves the Organization (most likely on the 1st of July 2023). To ensure a smooth transition, she started her work at the EPPO Secretariat on the 6th of March 2023.



Valérie Grimault worked for 17 years for Geves (the French Variety and Seed Study and Control Group) in Angers, at the Plant Health National Reference Laboratory on seeds and seedlings. She was Chair of the Seed Health Committee of ISTA (International Seed Testing Association). She has contributed to projects, workshops and to Pest Risk Analysis. She has a PhD in plant bacteriology.


Welcome to Valérie at the EPPO Secretariat!