Special Alert – Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, found in the EPPO region
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae – EPPO A2 List), is a highly polyphagous pest originating from the tropical and subtropical areas of the Americas. S. frugiperda has recently invaded Africa, Asia and Oceania where it is causing severe economic losses more particularly on maize crops, and to a lesser extent on sugarcane, sorghum and other crops.
Courtesy: Marja van der Straten, Dutch NPPO
Courtesy: Boni B. Yarou
Courtesy: B.R. Wiseman - USDA/ARS, Tifton (US)
In the EPPO region, S. frugiperda was first found in Egypt in 2019. In August 2020, it was detected in a limited number of maize fields in Israel, and in September 2020, it was also found in maize fields in a limited area in Jordan. In July 2020, S. frugiperda was first found on maize in Canary Islands (Spain) where emergency measures are being applied. For the moment, no significant damage has been reported from Israel, Jordan and the Canary Islands (as of March 2021).
The objective of this web page is to provide NPPOs with links to useful resources provided by EPPO and other international bodies on this major pest.
- EPPO Datasheet on Spodoptera frugiperda – NEW VERSION revised in 2020.
- EPPO Diagnostic protocol (PM 7/124, 2015)
- Geographical distribution of Spodoptera frugiperda
- Host plants of Spodoptera frugiperda
- EPPO Reporting Service articles on Spodoptera frugiperda
- EPPO Platform on PRAs (PRA documents on Spodoptera frugiperda)
- Pictures of Spodoptera frugiperda
- EPPO awareness raising poster (template)
European Commission and EFSA
- Emergency measures against Spodoptera frugiperda (Commission Implementing Decision (EU)
2018/638 of 23 April 2018) - EFSA Pest categorization of Spodoptera frugiperda (2017)
- EFSA Pest risk assessment of Spodoptera frugiperda (2018)
- EFSA Pest survey card on Spodoptera frugiperda (2020)
- IPPC Guidelines (2021): Prevention, preparedness and response guidelines for Spodoptera frugiperda – NEW
- Fall armyworm (FAO website dedicated to the pest)
- Official Pest Reports (IPPC website)