EPPO/NAPPO Workshop on grapevine certification
14th Meeting of ICVG, 2003-09-12/17
At the request of EPPO and NAPPO, a joint Workshop on grapevine certification took place during the 14th Meeting of the International Council for the study of Virus and Virus-like diseases of the grapevine (ICVG), which took place in Locorotondo, Italy, on the 2003-09-12/17.
The Workshop provided the opportunity to present and discuss the various systems of certification which are used in different grapevine-growing regions of the world, and to present the recommendations made by EPPO and NAPPO in this field. Differences and similarities between certification schemes were discussed. For example, in most countries certification schemes are run by official bodies whereas in New Zealand, a completely private system has recently been put in place. Nurserymen and breeders also expressed their views and in particular the practical difficulties they met in applying certification schemes for grapevine. Lively discussions also took place on the present EU requirements for planting material of grapevine and the future changes which are likely to take place.
Alberobello near Locorotondo
The following papers were presented during this Workshop:
R. Johnson (NAPPO)
Grapevine certification and the importation of grapevines into the member countries of the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO)
A.S. Roy (EPPO)
EPPO certification scheme for grapevine
U. Kodira
The California grapevine registration and certification program
E. Kaesekamp
Certified grapevines: a nurseryman’s perspective
F. Mannini
Grapevine clonal and sanitary selection: the point of view of EU selectors
S. Spada
Selection and biodiversity in viticulture: the point of view of nurserymen
R. Bonfiglioli, N. Hoskins, M. Kelly, F. Edwards, G. Thorpe
Introduction of a private certification scheme into an unregulated national industry: the New Zealand experience
W.T. Oosthuizen, N. van Rensburg
South African Vine Improvement Association (VIA) and the South African certification scheme