16th Meeting of the Panel on Certification of fruit crops
Alger, 2004-12-07/09
The Panel met at Mazafran, near Alger. The aim of this Panel was to prepare certification schemes and diagnostic protocols for viruses and phytoplasmas of fruit crops.
Diagnostic protocols
Protocols were prepared for apple proliferation, pear decline, grapevine flavescence dorée phytoplasmas, ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifoliae’ and American plum line pattern ilarvirus. Although some remaining details still needed to be provided by e-mail consultation with the Panel members, these protocols were considered ready to be sent to all EPPO member countries for comment. Concerning the future programme of work, it was planned that new drafts should be prepared for the next Panel meeting in 2005 for Spiroplasma citri, little cherry, European stone fruit yellows phytoplasma and strawberry viruses.
Apple proliferation
Lime witches’ broom
Certification schemes
Two new certification schemes were studied by the Panel: Sambucus, Populus and Salix, and discussions will continue in 2005. Revision of existing certification schemes was initiated. A revised certification scheme for olive was presented, as many new viruses have been identified during the last 10 years. As there are plans to prepare a certification scheme at global level within the framework of the International Olive Oil Council, it was felt desirable to finalize revision of the EPPO certification scheme as soon as possible. Revision of certification schemes for Ribes, Rubus, and strawberry will be done in 2005. Finally, it was also agreed to prepare a standard on testing of Prunus seeds for Prune dwarf ilarvirus and Prunus necrotic ringspot ilarvirus, as this point was not sufficiently well covered in the existing certification schemes for Prunus.
After working sessions, participants had the opportunity to visit several Institutes involved in certification of fruit crops and diagnosis (ITAFV, CNCC and Plant Protection Institute), and to better understand how the production of healthy planting material was being organized in Algeria. They also enjoyed a visit to the ‘Ruisseau des singes” where wild monkeys could be observed. Warm thanks are due to M. Ould Ramoul and his colleagues for their hospitality and the fine organization of the meeting. The next Panel meeting is planned in Bordeaux (FR) in June 2005.