4th Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on Invasive Alien Species
Edinburgh, GB, 2004-04-05/07
The 4th meeting of the ad hoc Panel on Invasive Alien Species took place in Edinburgh (GB), at the Scottish Agricultural Science Agency, on 2004-04-05/07, at the kind invitation of the Scottish Plant Protection Service. Thanks are due to Mrs Chard who kindly hosted and entertain the participants.
The Panel had the opportunity to visit the Botanical Garden of Edinburgh, where Eichhornia crassipes (before escaping) can be seen. The Panel reviewed the results of the simplified questionnaire sent to EPPO countries. Two datasheets for Hydrocotyle ranunculoides and Solanum elaeagnifolium were presented, and a new format was drafted for datasheets, better adapted to plants. The Panel decided to add the following species to the Alert list : Crassula helmsii, Hydrocotyle ranunculoides and Solidago nemoralis.
The Report of the Pest Risk Assessment for S. nemoralis was finalized and the Panel conducted the Pest Risk Management. The Pest Risk Assessment was also conducted for S. elaeagnifolium and for H. ranunculoides. Preliminary discussions took place on possible phytosanitary measures which could be applied to invasive plants.
The EPPO declaration on plants was also discussed, and it was decided that the Secretariat will update it.
The next Panel Meeting will be held in Strasbourg (FR) in 2005-10-13/15.