14th Meeting of the Panel on Plant Quarantine Information
Bled, SI, 2004-06-01/02
The Panel met by the beautiful lake of Bled, in Slovenia. As usual, it reviewed the information services provided by EPPO.
The new EPPO web site was much appreciated by the participants who encouraged the Secretariat to continue to expand it, and, in particular, to explore possibilities for converting databases such as PQR and EPPT into web systems. As many EPPO documents are pest-specific (e.g. datasheets, diagnostic protocols, PRAs, phytosanitary procedures…), the Panel discussed the possibilities for a unified approach. It felt that this was highly desirable to avoid discrepancies between documents and simplify updating. The Panel favoured the development of a database with a web interface. In more general terms and in view of the approaching Workshop for Heads of NPPOs, the Panel members clearly stated that EPPO should continue to provide independent information services to its member countries.
The role of EPPO in relation to the development of the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP) by FAO was also discussed. When the IPP becomes operational, EPPO member countries will be encouraged to participate and provide information (NPPO contact points, phytosanitary regulations, pest records). The EPPO Secretariat will only provide the data which is generally required for RPPOs. Computer demonstrations were made during the meeting: the Dutch system on phytosanitary requirements for export, and several information systems developed by the NPPO of Slovenia (extension services, registration, pest situations …). Finally, the participants enjoyed a walk in the forest near another Alpine lake (Bohinje). After a steep climb, they were rewarded by a beautiful waterfall and breathtaking view over the lake. Warm thanks are due to M. Gomboc and his colleagues for the very fine organization of this meeting.
Courtesy G. Tökès