Council Colloquium on scientific services
in support of NPPOs in the EPPO region
Madeira, PT, 2004-09-23/24
In 2004, the administrative session of EPPO Council was followed by a Colloquium on "scientific services in support of NPPOs in the EPPO region" which was organized in Madeira (2004-09-23/24), at the kind invitation of the Portuguese NPPO. All presentations stressed the urgent need to maintain good scientific support for plant health services. Knowledge erosion was perceived as a very serious threat to the activities of the plant health sector.
A state of emergency was declared and the Council Colloquium agreed on an EPPO declaration: PLANT HEALTH ENDANGERED
Mr Popovitch (RU)
System of scientific support of plant protection in Russian Federation.
Mr Van Opstal (NL)
Can a decreasing scientific base sustain an increasing phytosanitary field?
Messrs Hunter and Giltrap (UK)
The Role of Science in underpinning Policy.
Mrs Hockland (UK)
Problems facing the scientific support services for NPPOs.
Mr Husak (CZ)
Transferring capacity in the phytosanitary area in Czech Republic.
Mr Kroeker (SE)
Solving the needs for diagnosis in the phytosanitary field in Sweden.
Technical visits
Visit to 'Biofabrica' (company producing sterilized males of Ceratitis capitata (all pictures by F. Petter and B.C. Smith)
Visit to the centre for floriculture and tropical crops
Visit to the centre for banana crop
Visit to the centre for fruit crops