Workshop for Heads of NPPOs on the Future of EPPO
Sochi, RU, 2004-06-08/11
A Workshop for Heads of NPPOs took place at Sochi, in Russia, and was attended by more than 30 participants from 18 different countries. The aim of the Workshop was to develop recommendations for the future areas of activity of the Organization in its two main sectors (Plant Protection Products and Phytosanitary Regulations) for the next 10 years. The Workshop examined how they relate to the activities and structures of the NPPOs of the EPPO region.
The following main elements were considered during the Workshop:
- What will plant protection cover in future?
- What are the main roles, functions and activities on which EPPO should concentrate?
- In what way could and should EPPO be relevant for non-EU and EU members?
- Relationship with national structures.
- What is the future relationship between IPPC and EPPO?
- Composition and structure of the Secretariat.
The Workshop made the following conclusions which will be delivered and presented as recommendations to the EPPO Council: