2nd Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on harmonization of data on
plant protection products
Paris, 2005-04-05/06
The 2nd Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on harmonization of data on plant protection products took place at the French Ministry of Agriculture in Paris. At its first meeting the Panel discussed how to harmonize registered uses in order to create a common catalogue that will be useful in the framework of mutual recognition. The EPPO Secretariat has, since the meeting in 2004-09, collected examples of classifications from different member countries. A proposed new classification system is based on the French system, EPPO codes (previously called Bayer codes) and the British lists.
The intention is to review the other national classifications and consider how they fit this system. The Panel revised the proposed EPPO system and the elements that define the use. It was agreed that a draft standard on definition of use should be prepared. For the next meeting, the Secretariat should develop a full draft database.
It was also suggested that the EPPO website could be used as a central point for links to the national databases. The webpage on Plant Protection Products already includes links to national databases of 19 countries.
The document on ‘Format for pesticide lists’ was updated and will go forward to the Working Party on Plant Protection Products independently of the work on uses, being considered as a draft standard.
It was agreed that the ad hoc Panel should meet again in December 2005.