31st Meeting of the Panel on ICPM Affairs
Avignon (FR), 2005-09-05/08
The Panel on ICPM affairs met in Avignon on 2005-09-05/08 at the kind invitation of the French NPPO. The main objective of the meeting was to prepare comments on 6 draft ISPMs sent for country consultation. The Panel prepared detailed comments on the following draft ISPMs:
- Diagnostic protocols for regulated pests
- Guidelines for consignments in transit
- Revision of ISPM No. 1: principles for the protection of plant health
- Requirements for the Establishment and Maintenance of Pest Free Areas for Tephritid Fruit Flies
- Proposed revision to Methyl Bromide (MB) Fumigation Schedule of Annex I of ISPM No. 15 (Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade)
The Panel also discussed the draft ISPM on Requirements for the submission of phytosanitary treatments. The Panel saw the benefits of having a standard on phytosanitary treatments, but it considered that several issues needed to be clarified before this text can be proposed for adoption by the CPM. In particular it was decided that the text should be fully redrafted, following a structure similar to the ISPM on diagnostic protocols (i.e. approved treatments will be included as appendices to the main text).
As a result of this meeting, templates as requested by the IPPC Secretariat have been prepared and send to EPPO members which were invited as appropriate, to take them into account in preparing their individual replies to the IPPC Secretariat.