16th Meeting of the Panel on Certification of Pathogen-tested Ornamentals
Gent (BE), 2005-11-03/04
The Panel on Certification of Pathogen-tested Ornamentals met in Gent on 2005-11-03/04 at the kind invitation of the Belgian NPPO. This Panel is responsible for the preparation of certification and classification schemes for ornamental crops (series PM 4). It reviewed the implementation of the EPPO schemes developed so far since the last meeting of the Panel in 2000. It was noted that EPPO Schemes for ornamentals were used in many EPPO countries, not only in an official framework but also by companies on a voluntary basis, and that nurserymen were very interested in applying the concept of EPPO certification schemes (by filiation from individually tested mother plants) to many different ornamentals.
The Panel prepared a draft Standard addressing the production of pathogen-free herbaceous glasshouse ornamentals. It included a general scheme applicable to all such ornamentals and specific appendices where relevant pests and requirements were presented for each of the following plants: Alstroemeria, Anthurium, Argyranthemum frutescens, Brachycome, Bracteantha, Campanula, Dahlia, Fuchsia, Gentiana, Hosta, Impatiens, Lobelia, Orchidaceae, Osteospermum, Phlox, Ranunculus, Solanaceae, Scaevola, Scrophulariaceae, Verbena. Other plants could be added in due course