3rd Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Procedures
Vienna, AT, 2005-01-11/13
The Panel on Phytosanitary Procedures met for the third time on 2005-01-11/13 in Vienna (Austria) at the kind invitation of Mrs Jaegerberger. Thanks are due to her and her colleagues for their kind hospitality and the excellent organization of the meeting. The Panel continued its work, it revised and agreed a general format for consignment inspection. The Phytosanitary Procedure on sampling for visual inspection of consignments was discussed after the comments were received from country consultation and was finalized. It will be presented to the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations for approval.
The draft National Regulatory Control System for Diabrotica virgifera was further discussed. The revised draft will be sent for country consultation in order to present a final draft to the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulation in June 2005. The Draft Phytosanitary Procedure ‘Strawberry plants: consignment inspection’ was also discussed and will be presented to the Working Party for information.
The Panel reviewed and modified the draft National Regulatory Control System for Bactrocera zonata and the Draft National Regulatory Control System for Heterodera glycines but thought that they still needed further work. A draft Phytosanitary Procedure for inspection of consignment of chrysanthemum cut flowers and plants for planting was presented for the first time to the Panel, and will be discussed further next year.
The Panel debated which pests could be chosen as examples to draft Pest-specific phytosanitary procedures for pest-free areas, and suggested: Bursaphelenchus xylophilus,Ceratitis capitata and Erwinia amylovora. If the Working Party agrees, the Panel will draft a procedure during its next meeting. The Panel also revised its work programme and identified the following standards to be drafted or revised for its next meeting:
- Tomato seeds: consignment inspection procedure
- Seeds and grain of Triticum: consignment inspection procedure
- Fruits and vegetables: consignment inspection (a draft for Citrus will be prepared)
- Cut flowers: consignment inspection (a draft for orchids will be prepared)
- Fragaria plants for planting (strawberry): place of production inspection
- Tomato seeds: place of production inspection
- PM 3/40(1) Erwinia amylovora: sampling and test methods (will include place of production inspection and consignment inspection)
- PM 3/43(1) Plum pox potyvirus: inspection procedure
Mrs Necajeva kindly invited the Panel to Vilnius (LT) for its next meeting in 2005. The date still needs to be fixed.