Panel on Certification of Pathogen-tested Ornamentals
Paris, EPPO headquarters 2006-05-11
The Panel on Certification of Pathogen-tested Ornamentals met in Paris at the EPPO headquarters on 2006-05-11.
The Panel carried on its work on the new standard addressing the "Production of pathogen-tested herbaceous ornamentals" and finalized it. This draft includes a general scheme applicable to all such ornamentals and specific appendices where relevant pests and requirements are presented for each of the following plants: Alstroemeria, Anthurium, Argyranthemum frutescens, Brachycome, Bracteantha, Campanula, Dahlia, Fuchsia, Gentiana, Hosta, Impatiens, Lobelia, Orchidaceae, Osteospermum, Phlox, Ranunculus, Solanaceae, Scaevola, Scrophulariaceae, Verbena.
The draft will be presented to the Working Party for approval before being sent to country consultation.