34th Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs
Sorgenfri (DK), 2006-09-05/08
The Panel on CPM affairs met in Sorgenfri on 2006-09-05/08 at the kind invitation of the Danish NPPO. The Panel prepared detailed comments on the following draft ISPMs sent for country consultation in May 2006:
- Amendments to ISPM No. 5 Glossary of phytosanitary terms
- Debarked and bark-free wood
- Establishment of areas of low pest prevalence for fruit flies (Tephritidae)
- Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pests
- Recognition of pest-free areas and areas of low pest prevalence
- Revision of ISPM No. 2 Pest risk analysis
As a result of this meeting, templates as requested by the IPPC Secretariat have been prepared and send to EPPO members which were invited as appropriate, to take them into account in preparing their individual replies to the IPPC Secretariat.
The Panel also discussed the establishment of a compliance mechanism in the IPPC framework to help contracting parties to meet their obligations under the IPPC.
The Panel on CPM affairs agreed that EPPO should encourage all EPPO members to complete the survey questionnaire developed by the IPPC Secretariat to better understand the degree and extent to which Pest Free Areas are applied, as well as to submit phytosanitary treatments to be considered by the IPPC Technical Panel for Phytosanitary Treatments.