33rd Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs
Brussels, 2006-04-24/26
The objective of the Panel meeting was to review the draft ISPMs on the agenda of the Standards Committee to give guidance to European members attending this Committee. The Panel studied the following draft ISPMs and draft revisions of adopted ISPMs:
- Debarking of wood
- Export certification for potato minitubers and micropropagative material
- Recognition of pest-free areas and areas of low pest prevalence
- Guidelines for pest risk analysis (revision of ISPM No. 2)
- Areas of low-pest prevalence for fruit flies
- Post-entry quarantine facilities
- Classification of commodities by level of processing, intended use and phytosanitary risk
The Panel considered that the draft ISPMS on post-entry quarantine facilities, recognition of pest-free areas and areas of low pest prevalence and Classification of commodities by level of processing, intended use and phytosanitary risk were not ready to be sent for country consultation. It made general comments on the other standards to be presented at the Standards Committee by the European Representatives.
The Panel discussed the organisation of the Workshop on pest reporting to be held in Lyon (FR) on 2006-11-15/17 (this Worshop was later postponed to 2007). It suggested that the workshop should deal with the following topics:
- A detailed analysis of reporting obligations in the IPPC and in the EPPO framework
- What Member Countries need to report to the EPPO Secretariat, in order for EPPO to perform its tasks.
- Relevant ISPMs should be presented: ISPM no. 17 Pest reporting and ISPM no. 8 Determination of pest status in an area.
- Organization of national pest reporting systems.