Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides and
Plant Growth Regulators
Gembloux (BE), 2006-11-20/22
The Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides and Plant Growth Regulators met at the Wallon Agricultural Research Center in Gembloux (BE), on 2006-11-20/22. Special thanks are due to Mr Weickmans for his warm hospitality and excellent organization of the meeting.
The Panel continued its main task of developing standards for conducting field trials to evaluate the efficacy of herbicides and plant growth regulators. It further considered the standard text on which these standards are based, and finalized it.
Four revised standards were completed and will be sent to EPPO countries for comment:
- Weeds in Vicia beans (revision PP 1/53),
- Weeds in forage legumes (revision PP 1/76),
- Weeds in Phaseolus and Pisum (revision PP 1/91),
- Weeds in cereals (revision PP 1/93).
Revision of the entire series of standards for herbicides and PGRs will continue over subsequent meetings.
In relation to General Standards, the Panel had preliminary discussions to prepare the joint meeting with the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Insecticides and Fungicides on the new standard on Effects on adjacent crops and the revision of PP 1/207 Effects on succeeding crops. During the joint meeting (2006-11-22), the two general standards were finalized. They will be sent for country consultation.