9th Meeting of the Panel on Invasive Alien Species
Kleinmachnow, 2006-05-16/19
The Panel on Invasive Alien Species met in Kleinmachnow on 2006-05-16/19 at the kind invitation of the German NPPO. The Panel proposed the addition of plant species presenting a risk for the Mediterranean area to the EPPO List of Invasive Alien Plants: Acacia dealbata, Amorpha fruticosa, Baccharis halimifolia, Buddleja davidii, Carpobrotus edulis and C. acinaciformis, Cortaderia selloana, Oxalis pes-caprae and Paspalum distichum. Cabomba caroliniana has also been added as an eradication programme is in progress in the Netherlands.
The Panel agreed that there was a need to elaborate different lists of Invasive Alien Plants relying on a transparent screening process with clear criteria and that this information should be made widely available. The main aim of this process is to select plants which should be submitted to Pest Risk Analysis and for which international measures may be recommended.
Parthenocissus inserta
(Photos: courtesy Christa Lethmayer)
The Panel reviewed and adjusted the Pest Risk Analysis for Solanum elaeagnifolium, Pueraria lobata and Crassula helmsii. These plants will be proposed for addition to the List of pests recommended for regulation during the next EPPO Council.
The next Panel meeting will be held in Riga at the kind invitation of the Latvian NPPO on 2006-10-3/5. It will aim at elaborating a screening process of Invasive Alien Plants and at reviewing Pest Risk Analysis for Senecio inaequidens and other plants still to determine.
The Panel had the opportunity to make a field-excursion in the Natur-Park Südgelände, an abandoned railyard in Berlin, and to observe invasive alien plants.
(Photos: courtesy Christa Lethmayer)