36th Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs
Paris, 2007-04-23/25
The Panel met in the Headquarters of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) in Paris. Several observers participated in this meeting, including observers from the Russian Federation. The main objective for this Panel meeting was to discuss the draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) and to advice the European Standards Committee members whether these ISPMs are ready for country consultation.
The following draft ISPMs were discussed:
- amendments to the Glossary (ISPM 5),
- appropriate level of protection, Interpretation and application of the term ‘not widely distributed’ in relation to quarantine pests,
- systems approaches for pest risk management of fruit flies,
- classification of commodities into phytosanitary risk categories,
- guidelines for developing a strategy to reduce or replace the use of methyl bromide for phytosanitary purposes and sampling of consignments.
Although the Panel had some suggestions to amend the draft ISPMs before sending them out for country consultation, they considered that several comments should be made during country consultation. The Standards Committee (Rome, 2007-04/30-05/04) has to decide whether these ISPMs should be circulated for country consultation.
The Panel considered also the best way forward for the two ISPMs which were sent back by the Commission for Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-2, 2007-03-26/30), in particular Debarked and Bark-free Wood.
The Panel agreed on an EPPO procedure for ISPMs which will be sent out for country consultation following the fast track procedure. Soon the first test case (diagnostic protocol Thrips palmi) is expected to follow the agreed procedure.
In June the IPPC will call for topics and priorities for new standards and the Panel on CPM affairs received from only one EPPO country a proposal so far. It was decided to allocate time during the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations to consider or draft proposals.
CPM-2 agreed on an Enlarged Bureau which means that starting from CPM-3, Europe will have continually a member in the Bureau. The Panel agreed it was necessary to involve the European Member in this Panel and therefore the scope of work of the Panel needs to widen to include technical and procedural tasks of the Bureau. The next Panel meeting will take place in Oslo (2007-09-04/07) at the kind invitation of Ms Paulsen.