35th Panel Meeting on CPM Affairs - Joint EPPO/NAPPO Meeting
Agadir, MA, 2007-01-22/25
The 35th meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs took place in Agadir, Morocco at the kind invitation of Mr Hilali. Besides this meeting, the 7th joint EPPO/NAPPO meeting was also held during the same week.
The Panel on CPM Affairs discussed in detail the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) which will be presented for adoption during the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures – 2 (CPM-2), which will meet 26-30 March in Rome.
The panel agreed on several recommendations to amend these ISPMs but in general did not anticipate major difficulties with these standards for the EPPO region.
The Panel considered several other issues which will be on the agenda of the CPM-2. It stressed in particular the importance of a good preparation in the EPPO region regarding international recognition of Pest Free Areas.
During the joint meeting with NAPPO the main issue was mutual consultation concerning the ISPMs for adoption during CPM-2. An open exchange of views took place and the joint meeting largely agreed on the necessary changes to be made in the draft ISPMs. Article V.2a of the IPPC was discussed regarding the question who can sign a Phytosanitary Certificate and what are the requirements for such an officer. EPPO was invited to work with NAPPO in preparing a view which will be discussed globally later this year. However, this issue will have first to be discussed within the EPPO region.
The joint meeting reflected also on the difficulties related to ISPM 7 & 12 and decided that the EPPO and NAPPO Secretariats should cooperate closely to make sure that these difficulties are taken on board as soon as the revision of these two standards starts.
Besides dealing with this wide range of issues, participants of the joint EPPO/NAPPO group were also able to benefit from their stay in Agadir and to visit a very traditional and a very modern agricultural enterprise, thanks to the excellent arrangements of the Moroccan hosts.