12th Meeting of the Panel on Invasive Alien Species
Paris, FR, 2007-10-22/25
The 12th meeting of the Panel on Invasive Alien Species took place on 2007-10-22/25 at the Council of Europe office in Paris (FR), at the kind invitation of the Bern Convention. The Panel welcomed representatives from the European Commission and the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) and learnt about their respective activities on invasive alien plants. The Panel discussed the code of conduct on horticulture and invasive alien plants to be developed in partnership with the Council of Europe, as well as a draft document on the prioritization process for invasive alien plants. The Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) on Cabomba caroliniana was finalized and concluded that the species should not be recommended for regulation. The PRA on Polygonum perfoliatum and the Standard on National Regulatory Control Systems for Ambrosia artemisiifolia were rewieved and it was agreed that they should be presented to the next Working Party on Phytosanitary Measures. PRAs on Heracleum mantegazzianum, H. sosnowskyi and H. persicum were discussed and will be reviewed during the next Panel meeting.
A field trip was organized in the 'Jardin des Plantes', at the kind invitation of the 'Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris'. The next Panel meeting will be held in Kusadasi (TR) on 2008-10-14/16 to continue the work undertaken on invasive alien plants.