IPPC/EPPO Workshop for CIS and Eastern-European countries on the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) system and International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
(Bishkek, KG, 2007-04-01/12)
This Workshop was organized jointly by the IPPC and EPPO Secretariats in Bishkek, the Kyrgyzstan, and funded by FAO. Almost 50 experts from 14 former Soviet Union countries, the IPPC Secretariat, FAO regional (Istanbul) office and the EPPO Secretariat participated in this meeting. The working language of the Workshop was Russian.
The main topics included in the Workshop programme were:
- Global Phytosanitary/Trade Environment as Defined by International Treaties (IPPC, WTO-SPS, CBD etc.)
- International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) - content and implementation issues
- Legislative frameworks and requirements for consistency of NPPOs with the IPPC
- Opportunities and Problems for CIS countries with regards to the application of phytosanitary measures to international trade in plants and plant products
- Phytosanitary Systems Analysis: Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) and strategic planning
- Regional/Subregional Perspectives, Treaties and Trading Problems
The Workshop mainly focused on Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) as the basis for strategic planning and related ISPMs, especially on those concerning export certification (ISPMs 7, 12 and 23), phytosanitary regulation of imports (ISPMs 20 and 23), pest risk analysis (ISPMs 2, 11 and 21), pest surveillance, pest status and pest lists (ISPM 6, 8 and 19), regulated non-quarantine pests (ISPM 16), pest-free areas, places and sites (ISPMs 4 and 10), phytosanitary regulations for wood packaging materials (ISPM 15), pest eradication programmes (ISPM 9) and notification of non-compliance and pest reporting (ISPM 13 and 17), as well as implications of phytosanitary systems and measures on trade (IPPC, ISPM 1 and SPS Agreement). References to the FAO Glossary of phytosanitary terms (ISPM 5) were largely used during the Workshop.
Participants received practical training in using the PCE system and in carrying out strategic planning, using their respective countries as examples.
The Workshop was hosted by the NPPO of Kyrgyzstan which provided excellent hospitality.