7th Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on
technical requirements for laboratories
Kleinmachnow, DE, 2008-07-01/04
The 7th Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on technical requirements for laboratories was held in Kleinmachnow (DE) on 2008-07-01/04.
The main objective of the Panel was to develop further the draft Standard on Specific requirements for laboratories preparing for accreditation for plant pest diagnosis activities. It worked on specific tables providing guidance for test validation in each discipline.
Two representatives from EA, the European association of Accreditation bodies, participated in part of the meeting. This co-operation will hopefully help producing a document which can be used by national accreditation bodies to help harmonization of requirements for diagnostic laboratories within the region.
EA representatives noted that as EPPO could be recognized as a “reputable technical organization”, EPPO Diagnostic Protocols could be considered as validated under ISO 17025. It was agreed that EPPO will conduct a survey on how Diagnostic Protocols are used in EPPO countries, in particular which tests are used successfully, how frequently, since how many years. EPPO will present an overview to the EA Laboratory Committee.
The Panel enjoyed a visit of Postdam as well as of the Institute for national and international Plant Health.