Expert Working group on PRA for Raoiella indica
Paris, 2008-05-06/09
The EPPO Secretariat was alerted by Dr Etienne (INRA, Guadeloupe) who reported the recent introduction of Raoiella indica in Martinique. As this mite species is considered as a pest of numerous palm species and therefore may represent a threat to nurseries producing ornamental palms and to date palm crops in the EPPO region the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations considered that a PRA should be prepared.
The overall conclusion of the Expert Working Group is that this pest presents a low risk for the EPPO region. There is uncertainty about the potential risk for the Canary Islands and possibly Madeira. Although it is likely to become established in some areas around the Mediterranean basin it is not likely to cause damage there (based on its behavior in Israel, Egypt, Iran, and Oman where it is present).
The conclusions of the EWG will be reviewed by different bodies in the EPPO system in 2008-2009.
The Expert Working Group was composed of:
- Mr Borchert Daniel USDA-(APHIS-PPQ-CPHST, Center Plant Health Science & Technology, US)
- Ms Breukers Annemarie (Agriculture Economics Research Institute LEI, Wageningen, NL),
- Mr Gonzalez Hernandez Antonio (Direccion General de Agricultura Servicio de Sanidad Vegetal Canary Islands, ES),
- Mr Kenis Marc (CABI, CH),
- Mr Mac Leod Alan (Central Science Laboratory, GB),
- Ms Navia Denise (Emprada Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, Laboratory of Plant Quarantine, BR),
- Mr Palevsky Eric (Dept. of Entomology, Newe-Ya'ar Research Center, Agricultural, IL),
- Mr PeñaJorge (Entomology and Nematology, Tropical Research and Education Center, US)
- EPPO Secretariat Ms Brunel Sarah and Ms Petter Françoise.