43rd Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs
Krakow (PL), 2009-09-01/04
The Panel on CPM Affairs met in Krakow on 2009-09-01/04 at the invitation of the State Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service of Poland. The panel prepared detailed recommendations on the following International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs), which are currently in country consultation:
- Export phytosanitary certification system (revision of ISPM No. 7)
- Guidelines for phytosanitary certificates (revision of ISPM No. 12)
- Design and operation of pest-entry quarantine stations
- Glossary of phytosanitary terms (amendments to ISPM No. 5)
- Diagnostic Protocol on Thrips palmi
- 8 Cold treatments for fruit flies on citrus fruits
The Panel considered a huge number of comments from EPPO experts on these standards. In particular regarding the revisions of ISPM No. 7 and ISPM No. 12, for which a total of more than 600 comments were received. The comments agreed by the workshop on draft ISPMs for Russian speaking countries (Moscow, 2009-07-27/31) were also addressed. It was the first time that such a workshop was organized for Russian speaking countries, by the IPPC Secretariat in collaboration with EPPO. Although the Panel was able to address most of the comments it was not possible to finish the work completely due to time constraints. In particular, recommendations for the last section of ISPM No. 12 (section 4) and the Diagnostic Protocol on Thrips palmi could not be finalized.
As a result of this meeting, recommendations have been made and presented in templates (according to the requirements of the IPPC Secretariat). These templates have been sent to the EPPO member countries which are invited to take them into account when preparing their individual replies to the IPPC Secretariat. Regarding ISPM No. 12, the Panel anticipates that further elaboration of this ISPM will be required to prepare the standard for final adoption.
The European member of the Bureau of the CPM informed the Panel of the issues considered currently by the Bureau. These will be discussed further during the meeting of the open-ended working group Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance. The agenda points will include priority setting in IPPC work programme; planning of IPPC Expert Working Groups; and limiting translation of technical working documents.