Expert Working Group for performing PRA on Saperda candida
Paris, 2009-11-02/05
In summer 2008, the presence of Saperda candida was detected for the first time in Germany and in Europe. This wood boring insect was observed on the island of Fehmarn on urban trees (Sorbus intermedia and other host plants) and eradication measures were taken against it. S. candida is considered as a pest of apple trees and other tree species in North America. Considering the risk it may present to fruit trees and ornamental trees in Europe, the pest was added on the EPPO Alert List in 2008-07 and was selected as a priority for PRA in 2009.
The overall conclusion of the Expert Working Group is that the pest presents a risk of establishment in the entire EPPO region except in the drier areas in the East and the South of the EPPO region. Host species are widely grown across the EPPO region as fruit tree species (Malus, Pyrus and Prunus), as ornamentals in parks and gardens (Cotoneaster, Crataegus, and Sorbus) and occur in the wild. The economic impact if introduced in the EPPO region is evaluated as medium.
The conclusions of the EWG will be reviewed by different bodies in the EPPO system in 2009-2010.
The Expert Working Group was composed of:
ANDERSON Helen (Ms) - The Food and Environment Research Agency (GB)
AGNELLO Arthur (Mr) - Department of Entomology New York State Agricultural Experiment Station(USA)
BAUFELD Peter (Mr) - Julius Kühn Institut (JKI), Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Institute for National and International Plant Health (DE)
GILL Bruce D. (Mr) - Head Entomology, Ottawa Plant Laboratories, C.F.I.A. (CA)
PFEILSTETTER Ernst (Mr) - Julius Kühn Institut (JKI), Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Institute for National and International Plant Health (DE) (core member)
STEFFEK Robert (Mr) - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Institute for Plant Health (AT) (core member)
VAN DER GAAG Dirk Jan (Mr) - Plant Protection Service (NL) (core member)
EPPO Secretariat: Ms PETTER Françoise, Ms SUFFERT Muriel
Adult (James Solomon, USDA Forest Service)
Larva (Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and
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