3rd Joint EPPO/OIBC Panel Meeting on Biological Control Agents
Castelló de la Plana (ES), 2010-03-29/31
The Panel discussed new proposals of Biological Control Agents (BCAs) species for addition to the EPPO positive list. It stressed that interaction with the industry is necessary to ensure that the most important dossiers will be completed for the next Panel meeting.
The Panel decided to add Amblyseius swirskii to the EPPO positive list following the decision taken at the previous meeting (to add it to the list with a one year delay). The Panel studied the proposal to add Trichogramma pintoi to the positive list but considered that more information was needed to make a decision. The Panel decided to keep Neoseiulus californicus on the positive list with a remark “non-diapausing strain”, provided appropriate references to the identification method are available. The Panel discussed the possible non-target effects Aphidius colemani but concluded that it fulfilled the existing criteria. The Panel considered addition of Hydrotaea aenescens but decided that additional information was necessary. The Panel agreed to reformat the entry on Steinernema kraussei according to the newly agreed information requirements. The Panel discussed the potential establishment in the EPPO region of the polyphagous species Podisus maculiventris but concluded that it fulfilled the existing criteria.
The Panel finalized the revision of two EPPO standards: PM 6/2(2) ‘Safe use of biological control: import and release of non-indigenous biological control agents’ and PM 6/3(4) ‘Safe use of biological control: List of biological control agents widely used in the EPPO region’ (with the addition of a new Appendix III ‘List of BCAs formerly recommended by EPPO’). Both Standards will be sent out for country consultation.
The Panel discussed the organization of a Workshop on the use of BCAs to highlight harmonized application procedures (back-to-back with the next Panel meeting). The main aspects which should be covered were agreed and it was decided to organize this Workshop in the Netherlands in November 2011. The Panel recognized the necessity of industry participation and of an optional technical visit.