Meeting of the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation
of Fungicides and Insecticides
Paris, 2011-11-21/24
The Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides met at the EPPO Headquarters in Paris on 2011-11-21/24.
The Panel continued its main work on the preparation of standards for conducting field trials to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides and insecticides. A number of revised and new standards were completed and are now considered ready to be sent to EPPO countries for comment.
- Prays oleae (revision PP 1/130)
- Bactrocera oleae– canopy spray (revision PP 1/108)
- Bactrocera oleae – bait application (PP1/new)
- Foliage diseases of Asparagus officinalis (PP1/new)
- Seed treatments against seedling diseases (revision PP1/125); which now includes Rhizoctonia solani seedling disease in sugar beets and maize
- Foliar and ear diseases on cereals (revision PP1/26)
- Principles of efficacy evaluation for microbial plant protection products (PP1/new)
- Insecticide co-formulated mixtures (PP1/new)
The Panel also discussed other important topics, in particular issues regarding zonal authorization. A number of recommendations were made with regard to the integration of zonal aspects within existing EPPO Standards and also to develop a number of new specific zonal EPPO Standards.
Extrapolation tables
Progress was also made on extrapolation tables to accompany EPPO Standard PP1/257 Efficacy and crop safety extrapolations for minor uses. To date 40 extrapolation tables have been approved which can be found on the EPPO website. At this meeting, experts reviewed tables to address both fungicide and insecticide extrapolation possibilities for tree nuts.
The Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides will next meet on 2011-11-27/29 in Portugal (to be confirmed).