7th Meeting of the Resistance Panel on Plant Protection Products
Paris, 2012-09-18/19
The Resistance Panel on Plant Protection Products met at the EPPO Headquarters in Paris on 2012-09-18/19. It convened with the principal aim to make technical amendments to reflect the results of a long-term scientific study on fungicide resistance risk assessment and management. Thanks are due to Mr Neil Pavely and Mr Mike Grimmer who came to inform the Panel on the most recent results of the UK project on ‘Underpinning regulatory decisions on fungicide resistance risk assessment and management strategies’. The Panel concluded that the addition of this new approach in the Standard would be postponed until the 2013 Panel meeting, once the project results are published. Meanwhile, the Panel was of the opinion that it would be useful to publish the current amendments already approved by the Working Party on Plant Protection Products which consist of useful updated references and zonal considerations.
Uncinula necator
Wikimedia commons
The EPPO Secretariat added the amended Standard PP1/213 to the list of PP1 Standards for approval presented to the Council at its meeting a week after the Panel meeting. The Council agreed that the amended version could be published on the EPPO website with an explanatory note in the December issue of the EPPO Bulletin.
A regular topic on the agenda is the update from Resistance Action Committees (RACs). Ms Salas updated the group on the developments within Herbicide RAC - European Group; Mr Nauen reported on the activities of Insecticide RAC; and Mr Genet informed the Panel of the new developments in Fungicide RAC.
The Panel was briefed on the improvements to the French Alert List on resistance. The database aims to give the scientific community, field technicians, advisors and regulatory authorities the most current information on resistance to certain active substances.
The Panel also discussed the programme of the EPPO Workshop on Herbicide Resistance Management in the Framework of the Zonal Evaluation (Berlin, 2012-10-23/25).
The Panel will next meet on 2013-09-25/27 in Wageningen (NL), at the kind invitation of Ms Van Ijzendoorn.