1st Meeting of the Panel on Diagnostics in Virology
and Phytoplasmology
Paris, 2012-04-23/24
The Panel on Diagnostics in Virology and Phytoplasmology met at the EPPO Headquarters. This was the first meeting of this newly created Panel.
The Panel discussed horizontal issues related to validation (e.g. minimum performance criteria to be provided for a test, availability of performance criteria from reagents providers…).
The Panel reviewed the comments received during country consultation on the draft Diagnostic Protocol for Pepino Mosaic Virus. This revision will be presented to the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations for a recommendation for final approval in 2012. The Panel worked on the new draft Horizontal Standard on ELISA for viruses. Comments were collected from the Panel and it was agreed that a new version will be prepared by Mr Cambra (IVIA, ES) to be circulated to the Panel for further review.
The protocol on Tomato infectious virus & Tomato chlorosis virus was reviewed and comments will be provided to the author Ms Tomassoli (CRA, IT) so that she can prepare a revised version to be presented at the Panel on Diagnostics and Quality Assurance in October 2012.
The Panel reviewed the recently adopted IPPC Protocol on Plum pox virus. It considered that the EPPO standard on this pest should be revised to align it to the IPPC standard regarding the tests to be recommended. However the Panel considered that more details are usually available from EPPO protocols and this should continue to be the case.
The Panel was informed of the latest developments concerning the EPPO Panel on Diagnostics and Quality Assurance, in particular on progress on the horizontal standard on test-performance studies and proficiency testing, on the collection of validation data and on the planned revision of the EPPO standard PM 7/98 on Specific requirements for laboratories preparing for accreditation for a plant pest diagnostic activity.
A presentation of the latest version of the EPPO database PQR and the future EPPO Global database as well as the EPPO database on Diagnostic Expertise was given to the Panel.
Finally a presentation of on Q-bank and Virus collections was made by Ms Roenhorst (NRL, PPS, NL). She informed the Panel that an inventory of existing physical collections of viruses was being made. The Panel agreed that collections were critical for diagnostic work. All Panel members were invited to indicate if they can provide missing isolates.