54th Meeting of the Panel on CPM affairs
Budapest, 2013-09-03/06
The Panel on CPM affairs met in Budapest on 2013-09-03/06 at the invitation of the Plant Protection Service of Hungary. The Panel considered the following draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs), under the following IPPC consultations:
Substantial concerns commenting period
- Appendix to ISPM 12 on Electronic certification, information on standard XML schemes and exchange mechanisms
- Control measures for an outbreak within a fruit fly-pest free area
- Determination of host status of fruits and vegetables to fruit fly (Tephritidae) infestation
Member consultation on draft ISPMs
- Draft amendments to ISPM 5: Glossary of phytosanitary terms
- Movement of growing media in association with plants for planting in international trade
- Phytosanitary procedures for fruit fly (Tephritidae) management
- Management of pest risks associated with the international movement of wood
- Minimizing pest movement by sea containers
- Draft Annex to ISPM 27:2006 - Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri
- Draft Annex to ISPM 27:2006 - Potato spindle tuber viroid
- Draft Annex to ISPM 28:2007 - Irradiation for mealybugs
Based on the discussions, the EPPO CPM Panel was able to agree on recommendations for the development of these ISPMs. The IPPC online comments system (OCS) was used to make comments and to share them with EPPO member countries, which were invited to take them into account when preparing their individual replies to the IPPC Secretariat.
The EPPO Secretariat would like to thank the local organizers and the Hungarian Plant Protection service for their hospitality and excellent organization of the meeting.