Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides
Caserta, IT, 2013-11-27/29
The Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides met at the Fruit Tree Research Unit of Caserta (Italian Agricultural Research Council), Caserta, Italy, on 2013-11-27/29. Special thanks are due to Mr Eduardo Ucciero and his colleagues from Plant Protection Service of Campania Region for their warm hospitability and fine organization of this meeting.
The Panel continued its main work on the preparation of Standards for conducting field trials to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides and insecticides. Several revised and new standard were considered.
A new Standard is now ready to be sent to EPPO countries for comment:
- Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (EPPO A2 List)
For the other Standards on the Agenda, it was considered that further expert input will be needed before they could be sent to country consultation, these include a proposal for a new Standard :
- Psylliodes attenuata, hop flea beetle
and the following revisions:
- PP 1/95 Slugs on vegetables, strawberry and ornamentals and PP 1/96 Slugs in field crops
- PP 1/272 Foliar diseases on maize
- PP 1/264 Mating disruption pheromones
Three new examples of a zonal efficacy evaluation to assist applicants and evaluators to interpret EPPO Standard PP1/278 Principles of zonal data production and evaluation were also considered:
- Clarification of efficacy data requirements for the authorization of an insecticide against aphids, thrips and whiteflies in ornamental plants in greenhouses in the EU;
- Clarification of efficacy data requirements for the authorization of a fungicide for the control of yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) on wheat (Triticum aestivum) in the European Central authorization zone;
- Clarification of efficacy data requirements for the authorization of a new fungicide for the control of fungal diseases in pome fruit (apple and pear) in the EU.
Once finalized, these will be presented to the Working Party on Plant Protection Products for approval and publication on the EPPO webpage on zonal efficacy assessments.
The Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides will next meet on 2014-11-25/27 in Paris, at the EPPO headquarters.