8th Meeting of the Resistance Panel on Plant Protection Products
Wageningen (NL), 2013-09-26/27
The Resistance Panel on Plant Protection Products met at the kind invitation of the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) in Wageningen (NL) on 2013-09-26/27.
A regular topic on the agenda is the update from Resistance Action Committees (RACs). Ms Salas updated the group on the developments within Herbicide RAC - European Group and Mr Genet informed the Panel of the new developments in Fungicide RAC. In addition, Panel members provided updates on the resistance status in their countries. All participants agreed that monitoring activities on resistance are not carried out to a sufficient level by Governments. Awareness about this problem should be raised at Government level encouraging the allocation of increased financial resources.
One of the key issues discussed and analyzed during the meeting was the outcome of two technical papers illustrating new methods to assess risk resistance for both fungicides and herbicides. These methods are results of long-term scientific studies carried out in the UK. Mr Paveley and Mr Van Den Bosch were present at the meeting to illustrate the details of the study on fungicide risk assessment.
The Panel concluded that the outputs of these studies will form the revision of Standard PP 1/213. A draft revision of the Standard will be proposed shortly by the experts for fungicides whereas the working document on herbicide resistance risk analysis will be further studied by the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides and PGRs taking into consideration the comments made by the Resistance Panel members.
The Panel also discussed the programme of the EPPO Workshop on Experiences with the implementation of zonal evaluation of Plant Protection Products (Sofia, 2013-10-22/24) and provided useful inputs.
Mr Naef kindly invited the Panel to hold its next meeting in Wädenswil (CH) on 2014-09-17/19.
Further information related to EPPO Resistance activities is available by clicking here with links to useful resource information.