58th Meeting of the Panel on CPM Affairs
Tallinn, 2014-09-02/05
The Panel on CPM affairs met in Paris on 2014-09-02/05 in EPPO headquarters. The Panel reviewed the decisions taken by the Standards committee in May 2014, as well as the following draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) for which a commenting period had been opened on the IPPC Online Commenting System (OCS), in part for the Substantial Concerns Commenting Period:
- Draft amendments to ISPM 5: Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms;
- Draft ISPM on the international movement of growing media in association with plants for planting;
- Draft ISPM on phytosanitary procedures for fruit fly (Tephritidae) management;
- Draft ISPM on the international movement of wood.
Technical visit – view more pictures >
Additional Draft Standards were discussed as part of the Member Consultation:
- Draft amendments to ISPM 5: Glossary of Phytosanitary terms;
- Draft ISPM on the International movement of used vehicles, machinery and equipment;
- Draft ISPM on the international movement of seeds;
- Draft annexes to ISPM 28:
- High temperature forced air treatment for Bactrocera melanotus and B. xanthodes on Carica papaya;
- Vapour heat treatment for Bactrocera dorsalis on Carica papaya var. Solo;
- Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus clementina var. Clemenules;
- Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus sinensis var. Navel and Valencia;
- Vapour heat treatment Ceratitis capitata on Mangifera indica;
- Irradiation treatments for Ostrinia nubilalis.
- Draft amendments to ISPM 27:
- Erwinia amylovora;
- Genus Anastrepha;
- Ditylenchus dipsaci and Ditylenchus destructor;
- Phytoplasmas.
The discussions were transcribed as comments into the IPPC OCS at the end of this fruitful meeting. Participants enjoyed a visit of a facility producing wooden packaging material under ISPM 15.