Ad hoc Expert Working Group on Integrated Pest Management
Paris, EPPO Headquarters, 2014-10-28/29
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is taking on a much greater significance in crop protection. EPPO activity in relation to IPM has been limited recently although much work was done by the Panel on Good Plant Protection Practice (GPP) from 1989 to 2004. An ad hoc Expert Working Group on Integrated Pest Management was organized in Paris, at the EPPO Headquarters on 2014-10-28/29. The objectives of the meeting were to consider the role and importance of IPM and relevant activities in the field of IPM in place at national and international level, to review past EPPO activity related to IPM, and, finally, to identify and explore future possibilities for EPPO work in the IPM arena.
National experience and lessons learnt on IPM were presented and discussed. National Action Plans for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides have been adopted by EU countries to meet the requirements of Directive 2009/128/EC which establishes a framework for action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides. The presentations made are available clicking on the links below:
- Mr Delos - IPM application in maize in France
- Mr Freier - Implementation of IPM in Germany
- Mr Furlan - IPM guidelines for maize in Europe - experiences in Italy from FP7 PURE project
- Ms Mathiassen - IPM national initiatives in Denmark
- Mr Djurberg, Ms Lestlande and Mr Mol orally informed the participants about the IPM implementation in Sweden, Latvia and the Netherlands respectively.
The Expert Working Group discussed existing initiatives in the development of IPM guidance internationally and within the EPPO region and agreed on a background document summarizing work being conducted on IPM by other international organizations and relevant EPPO activities.
The experts agreed that EPPO Standards on GPP developed for major crops in the EPPO region are still useful and are relevant to IPM approaches. However, there is a need to update them as regards the pests and control strategies which currently include reference to active substances which are no longer authorised in the EU. The discussion focused on whether there is a need to update such Standards with IPM elements. The Expert Working Group concluded that GPP Standards could be updated and developed as useful guidance within an IPM context.
As a pilot exercise, the experts revised the overarching EPPO Standard PP 2/1(1) Principles of good plant protection practice and PP 2/17(1) Maize as one possible basis for a crop specific IPM Standard.
The outputs of this meeting will be discussed by the Working Party on Plant Protection Products and the EPPO Council which will make a decision on the continuation of the activities of the EPPO ad hoc Expert Working Group on IPM.