2nd ad hoc Expert Working Group on extrapolation tables
for minor uses
Avignon (FR), 2014-04-28/30
The 2nd meeting of the ad hoc Expert Working Group on extrapolation tables for minor uses took place in Avignon (FR) on 2014-04-28/30 (download the list of participants). Special thanks are due to Mr Malet and his colleagues for the warm hospitability and excellent organization of this meeting. The meeting focused on extrapolation tables for effectiveness of fungicides and insecticides to accompany EPPO Standard PP1/257 Efficacy and crop safety extrapolations for minor uses. The main objective for the expert working group was to revise the extrapolation tables already published on the EPPO website and to address new tables. A team of French experts led by Mr Malet proposed a large number of tables and the experts were asked to prioritize the work.
During the meeting, the experts reviewed the following published extrapolation tables considering proposals for new extrapolation possibilities:
Effectiveness of fungicides
- Vegetable brassicas,
- Pome fruit,
- Stone fruit,
- Fruiting vegetables of Solanaceae (this table was previously named Solanaceae),
- Allium vegetables,
- Cucurbitaceae,
- Leafy vegetables,
- Tree nuts,
- Flower bulbs and -tubers and bulb- and tuber flower crops.
Effectiveness of insecticides
- Vegetable brassicas,
- Flower bulbs and -tubers and bulb- and tuber flower crops.
Four new extrapolation tables
These new tables were also studied by the experts. These are:
- Effectiveness of Fungicides: Pests in Strawberry,
- Effectiveness of Insecticides: Pests in Strawberry,
- Effectiveness of Fungicides: Pests in Umbelliferous crops,
- Effectiveness of Insecticides: Pests in Umbelliferous crops.
All revised and new tables will be submitted for the approval of the Working Party on Plant Protection Products and will be then published on the EPPO website.
The expert working group set a programme for future work for both the revision of the already published tables and the production of new extrapolation tables. They also discussed how to address extrapolation in the case of generic pests and agreed that generic tables should be produced for several groups of pests or diseases.
The meeting also provided the opportunity to discuss and review the crop groups defined for the development of the extrapolation tables for minor crops. The output of the discussion will be considered in the framework of the development of the EPPO codes for uses of plant protection products.
The next meeting will take place in Bologna (IT) from 13th to 15th of April 2015, at the kind invitation of Mr Drei.