4th Meeting of the ad hoc Panel on Plant Protection Information
Paris, 2015-11-12/13
The fourth meeting of the ad hoc Panel on Plant Protection Information took place at the EPPO headquarters in Paris to explore new communication tools which could be used to widen the EPPO audience and help NPPOs to better communicate on plant health issues. During this meeting, Panel members presented several examples of communication campaigns that are being carried out in their countries.
The Panel continued to discuss how the EPPO poster and leaflet could be displayed in airports/seaports or any other areas where travellers would see them. These documents were prepared to inform international passengers about the risks of introducing pests when transporting plant material from abroad. NPPOs are encouraged to make use of the Don't Risk It' poster and leaflet.
The Panel also reviewed and provided useful feed-back on the existing EPPO information services (publications, databases and websites). In particular, the Panel studied the results of the questionnaire about the EPPO Reporting Service and recommended that several of the suggestions made by the readers are implemented (i.e. send PDF files, have more links to original papers and pictures, separate sections on pests, diseases and invasive plants).
The Panel also encouraged the EPPO Secretariat to continue the development of EPPO Global Database and add more pest-specific documents to it.
The Panel discussed possible topics for future communication actions. It was agreed that EPPO could produce communication kits on emerging pests. It was suggested that some communication material about Popillia japonica could be prepared while a contingency plan is being developed. It was also decided that a list of priority pests for awareness raising could usefully be prepared.
The exact dates and venue of the next meeting remain to be decided.