62nd Meeting of the Panel on CPM affairs
Paris, 2016-01-13/14
The EPPO Panel on CPM affairs met in Paris on 2016-01-13/14 at the EPPO headquarters. The Panel members discussed several subjects preparing the EPPO position for the upcoming meeting of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-11):
- Concept of commodity standards
- Revision of standard setting procedures
- International Year of Plant Health in 2020
- Proposed draft CPM recommendations on the importance of pest diagnosis
Panel members
The development of a draft ISPM standard on the topic Minimizing pest movement by sea containers was also discussed and the Panel studied the three options presented in the recommendations for CPM decisions.
Other strategic issues discussed by the Panel to foster future agreement included:
- Follow-up of the IPPC Secretariat Review
- The role and functions of RPPOs
- IPPC in 20 years
- IPPC study on Diversion from Intended Use
The follow up of the EPPO NAPPO strategic meetings were discussed and the Panel was updated on the progress of the EPPO-NAPPO paper on priority pests.
The meeting was also the opportunity to review the EPPO nominations in CPM bodies for the European Region and discuss a draft for EPPO Guidelines on Responsibilities and Procedures for EPPO Stewards for ISPMs.
The next meeting of the EPPO Panel on CPM affairs the will take place in Paris at the EPPO Headquarters on 2016-04-26/28.