Joint EPPO/EEC Workshop on EuphrescoMoscow, 2016-07-27/28 |
EPPO and the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) jointly organized a Workshop on Euphresco in Moscow on the 27th and 28th of July 2016. Euphresco is a network of funders and managers of phytosanitary research which is hosted in EPPO, and currently has 34 partners across 26 countries. Participants were welcomed by Minister Valery Nikolaevich Koreshkov, Member of the Board for Technical Regulation of the EEC and by Mr Martin Ward, Director-General of EPPO.
This Workshop was the opportunity for all EPPO countries, but particularly those which are current or potential members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), and those which are not currently involved in Euphresco, to learn more about its work.
The report of this Workshop together with presentations can be found on the Euphresco website.
Participants of the Workshop - view more pictures >