67th Meeting of the Panel on CPM affairs
Tbilisi, 2017-09-06/08
The EPPO Panel on CPM affairs met on 2017-09-06/08 in Tblisi hosted by the National Food Agency to which thanks are due for the warm hospitability and excellent organization of this meeting. The Panel meeting was held in the same week as the 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Tblisi, 2017-09-05/08).
The Panel members discussed the following draft ISPMs which were under consultation. The EPPO comments once finalized were shared with the IPPC Secretariat through the Online Commenting System (OCS) and the EPPO countries were invited to endorse the comments:
Draft ISPMs for first consultation
- International movement of cut flowers and foliage
- Requirements for the use of fumigation treatments as a phytosanitary measure
- Amendments to ISPM 5 Glossary of phytosanitary terms - 2017 amendments
Draft ISPMs for second consultation
- Revision of Annex 1 and Annex 2 to ISPM 15 Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade
- Requirements for the use of temperature treatments as a phytosanitary measure
- Revision of ISPM 6 Surveillance
- Amendments to ISPM 5 Glossary of phytosanitary terms – 2015 and 2016 amendments
The Panel members were updated by the representatives for Europe in IPPC meetings on the outcomes of recent discussions. This included the latest developments on the preparation of the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) in 2020 and on ePhyto. The meeting reviewed the EPPO nominations in CPM bodies for the European region and updated the list of topics for ISPMs with nominated EPPO stewards.
The next meeting of the EPPO Panel on CPM affairs will take place in Paris, at the EPPO Headquarters, on 2018-01-31/02-02.