2nd Meeting of the EPPO Panel on Diagnostics in Mycology
Zagreb, 2017-04-26/28
The Panel on Diagnostics in Mycology met on 2017-04-26/28 in Zagreb at the kind invitation of the University of Zagreb. The meeting was organized back to back with the European Mycological Network (EMN) meeting. Sixteen Panel members and 2 observers from the EMN attended the meeting.
EMN meeting
Revised diagnotic protocols
Synchytrium endobioticum
This revision has been on-going for several years this has involved adding new tests, including outcomes of major projects, and replacing cultivars (for pathotype identification) that were difficult to obtain. The Panel reviewed the comments received during country consultation. Information on sample size in the field were included and will also be considered for inclusion in PM 3/59 Synchytrium endobioticum: soil tests and descheduling of previously infested plots. The Standard will be amended and has been sent after the meeting for the final stage of consultation.
Tilletia indica
This protocol had been aligned with the IPPC protocol (although some deviations had been made and explained). The version presented to the Panel was following country consultation. The EPPO Secretariat will produce a finalised version of the protocol taking into account the discussions at the Panel. The IPPC will be contacted about the deviations. This will be sent for final approval if possible before summer.
Work is in progress on the revision of the following protocols
- Phyllosticta citricarpa (formerly Guignardia citricarpa)
- Monilinia fructicola
- Melampsora medusae
- Verticillium nonalfalfae & V. dahliae on hop
- Fusarium circinatum (formerly Gibberella circinata)
- Gremmeniella abietina (waiting for the publication of the revision of the taxonomy)
New diagnostic protocols
Heterobasidion irregulare: A diagnostic protocol will be developed in the framework of an EU funded project (EMPHASIS) on Heterobasidion irregulare.