17th Meeting of the Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation
Wageningen (NL), 2017-02-20/22
The EPPO Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation met in Wageningen (NL) on 2017-02-20/22. Special thanks are due to Ms Jilesen for the warm hospitality and excellent organization of this meeting. The Panel continued its work on the preparation of General Standards on efficacy evaluation.
New Standards
The meeting focussed on three proposals for new General Standards:
- Principles of efficacy evaluation for low-risk plant protection products - This Standard will be finalized by the ad hoc Expert Working Group on low-risk substances before being sent for country consultation and presented to the Working Party on Plant Protection Products for approval;
- General principles for the development and registration of co-formulated mixtures of Plant Protection Products - Further work needs to be done by the EPPO Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides and PGRs;
- Efficacy considerations and data generation when making changes to the chemical composition of Plant Protection Products – Further work needs to be done on the draft by the EPPO Panels on Efficacy Evaluation.
Revision of Standards
A revision of EPPO Standard PP 1/214 Principles of acceptable efficacy was proposed to take into account taint and transformation processes.
Leaf Wall Area dose expression
The Panel acknowledged the success of the Workshop on harmonized dose expression for the zonal evaluation of plant protection products in high growing crops (Vienna, 2016-10-18/20) and recognized that it provided an excellent opportunity to share experiences and discuss difficulties related to dose expression in the framework of zonal evaluation and mutual recognition. Following the Workshop, two ad hoc Expert Working Groups were established by EPPO: (1) to work on the tool for dose conversion and dose calculation and (2) to prepare a glossary of terms and a guide for measurement of crop parameters. The Panel noted that once the activities of the ad hoc Working Groups are finalized, the EPPO Standard PP 1/239 Dose expression for plant protection products will need to be revised.
The Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation will next meet at the EPPO Headquarters on 2018-02-19/21.